I had the Word record with the text I was working on left open on my PC and returning from the kitchen with my favorite thing in the world, my 8-year old girl invited me with enormous eyes and a considerably greater inquiry:
“Mama, what is soo-tan-si-bli-litee?”.
“What?”, I was confused, however at that point checked out the screen, and grinned.
“Aaaah, you mean maintainability?”, I said. “Well… , come, plunk down, I will clarify”.
Thus started my short (self-)address about maintainability.
Take my little girl’s earphones, for instance. Looking for them was an easy decision, since we make less trade offs with regards to our kids. Yet, the incongruity is, it is by and large a direct result of them that we should pause and think before we purchase anything these days, in light of the fact that our buys today will influence their prosperity tomorrow.
“Discard society” has gained out of influence: it is simpler – as is unfortunately for the most part done – to purchase another toaster oven, telephone, clothes washer, than to have the bygone one fixed.
Also with regards to design, the story is desperate.
I generally attempt to gauge, in my mind, the energy of purchasing another pair of shoes each fall and each late-spring, against the fervor of re-finding the still-great, worn-in, agreeable and ameliorating, all around made shoes from the year before. Also pretty much without fail, the last option prevails upon the previous. It is the drawn out solace of the demonstrated over the brief fervor of the book.
I’m not saying there shouldn’t be fervor in purchasing new things. Definitely, this is a piece of the cycle, and I realize I am at real fault for having purchased such a large number of things spontaneously, or on the grounds that they were modest (intermittently both in cost and quality). Also let’s face it: shopping is entertaining!
However, every time we purchase shoes – or garments – that we realize straight ahead are expendable, we are adding to a heap of issues: sweatshops, neediness, contamination…
Along these lines, essentially with your decision of Sunies summer shoes, this issue ought to be not difficult to handle.
Or then again, as I tell my little girl, who has quite recently brought my green Butterfly Sunies (which I presently wear at home too) so I can show her, with a genuine model, what that enormous word truly implies:
recyclable – we can make new things out of worn Sunies and cut out on contamination and waste;
vegetarian – for sympathy to life and congruity with nature;
waterproof – useful and flexible, utilitarian (yet at the same time lovely), diminishing the consistent requirement for additional;
environmental – saving the planet for your, and ages to come later;
normal – eliminating plastic, which means eliminating wellbeing risks, sea life contamination, basically most things that aren’t right with the present quick utilization!
It was so natural disclosing maintainability to my 8-years of age.
Presently, what about you, grown-ups? Is it safe to say that you are tuning in?
It in a real sense just finds a way a way to begin the excursion: a trendy advance in really reasonable Sunies!